Σφακίων 32, Τ.Κ. 73134, Χανιά Κρήτης | Τηλ./Φαξ: 28210-56295 | email: [email protected] , [email protected]
Τετάρτη, 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2025

11th International Congress of Internal Medicine

Ιατρικός Σύλλογος Χανίων

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Call for Abstracts
bstract submission deadline extended to March 31)

The 11th International Congress of Internal Medicine will be held

on line and in-person (depending on the restrictions).

Due to high demand, abstract submission has been extended until the end of March 2021

Abstract Submission deadline extended!

More time to prepare your work!

All authors with an already accepted abstract retain their acceptance for the new dates of the congress

They do not need to submit again their abstract.

All desired modifications and/or withdrawal of already accepted abstracts
can be made only by e-mail at [email protected]

  Submit your Abstract!

The deadline for NEW abstract submission
is March 31, 2021.


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