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Δευτέρα, 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2025

The 14th Balkan Congress of Radiology will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, on October 13th–15th, 2016.

Ιατρικός Σύλλογος Χανίων

Welcome to BCR 2016 Congress !

The 14th Balkan Congress of Radiology will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, on October 13th–15th, 2016.

The Congress is organized by the Balkan Society of Radiology (BSR) in collaboration with the European School of Radiology (ESOR).

This event will give a unique opportunity to all participants to update knowledge on important Radiological topics. Radiologists, Medical doctors of different specialties and professionals of other Sciences including Radiologists technologists, and others, can all take part in this Congress and offer their experience and expertise, sharing difficulties and exchanging knowledge.


Access the BCR 2016 scientific program


Online registration is now open Early registration deadline June 15th, 2016


Submit your abstract for BCR 2016 Abstracts submission deadline June 24th, 2016


Congress Venue

The BCR 2016 Congress will be held at Porto Palace Hotel in Thessaloniki, Greece


Take advantage of the preferential rates offered by our hotel partners

Contact Us

Email us with any questions or enquiries you may have….

Are you looking forward to BCR 2016 as much as we are? Then why not share the news with your colleagues!


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prctravel.gr | P.R.C. Congress & Travel 105, Michalakopoulou St. | 115 27, Athens | Greece Tel.: +30 210 7711673 | Fax: +30 210 7711289 email: [email protected] | website: prctravel.gr